Hearing Aids

Do you have a hearing difficulty?
Do you frequently ask people to repeat themselves?
Do you often confuse sounds that are alike?
Do you have trouble if there is background noise?

If the answer is yes to any of these questions then it is likely that you have a degree of hearing loss.

What causes hearing difficulty?

The ageing process affecting hearing (presbyacusis) starts from as early as 25 years old. By the age of 60 years significant loss is common. Hearing difficulty can be caused by the most simplest problems e.g. wax requiring removal, to more complex medical problems.

How can I be assessed?

Many patients over the years have consulted Mr Murty having already purchased hearing aids inappropriate to their problems. Mr Murty therefore now recommends a full medical history, otosocopy (a detailed examination of the ear and ear canal) and a specialised hearing assessment in a sound proof booth by his independent audiologist. Following this your results will be fully explained to you along with your options.

What types of hearing aids are there?

Some people require highly specialised bone conduction aids but most have air conduction aids. These can be worn on the outside behind the ear (BE aids) or less obtrusively in the ear canal (ITE aids). Digital hearing aids are the latest innovation, which amplify individual tones according to each person's specific hearing loss pattern.

What does the NHS provide?

As with glasses, the NHS is restricted in the range it can offer. Behind the ear aids of limited range of digital technology are available.

How long do digital aids last?

They should last for many years if properly cared for. As hearing changes they can be re-programmed but a very significant change may require a different hearing aid technology.

How much do digital aids cost?

There are many factors to consider;
What type of aid? What performance is needed? What accessories are required? Hearing aids range from £600 to £3,000 for models with the most cutting edge technology.

What after care is available?

You are reviewed at 2 weeks after a new hearing aid is fitted to ensure we can monitor your initial progress and make further adjustments as necessary. You will have 2 - 4 visits in the first 6 months followed by a 6 monthly review of your progress. All our hearing aids are covered by a 2 year manufacturer's warranty and are looked after by us during that period. Thereafter we can provide a service and maintenance package.

Do I need a referral form my GP?

You do not need a specific referral to Mr Murty but he will keep your GP informed of your progress.