Tonsils and adenoids

Tonsils and adenoids are part of the lymph tissue in the throat which in the very young provides protection against infection. By the age of 1 year in adenoids and 3 years in tonsils this protection ceases and they should shrink naturally. Should they fail to do so they can harbour infection and give rise to chronic symptoms. Whilst this is commoner in children, the tonsils can lie dormant only to erupt in adulthood.

The lymphoid tissue can commonly react excessively to a variety of infections and allergens.

Recurrent sore throats, poor appetite, lethargy, mouth breathing, drooling, snoring, sleep disturbance, coughing, nasal blockage, snotty noses and exacerbation of asthma can all be presenting symptoms leading to school, college or work absences.

Bacterial Tonsillitis

A simple examination of the outside of the neck and inspection of the back of the throat and nose may be enough to make the diagnosis. Sometimes a more detailed examination with a small fibre optic endoscope camera is necessary. Glandular Fever can be detected by a simple blood test.

Normal Tonsils and Inflamed Tonsils

Non-operative Treatment:
Antibiotics are ineffective in viral infections. Bacterial infections may respond to antibiotics but repeated treatment can lead to resistance developing making management of serious infections in later life more difficult.

Operative Treatment:
Mr Murty has experience of more than 10,000 operations and has published widely throughout the medical literature on the technique. The latest techniques including laser, coblation and dissection techniques, are available and the average surgical time is 15 minutes. Mr Murty has for 16 years worked with Specialised consultant Anaesthetists who have empathy with children and ensure a safe anaesthetic in a caring environment with the parents as the child is anaesthetised.